Noticeable weather features during January were the strong thunderstorms, sometimes hailstorms, occurred in the southern portions of Brazil. The humidity and heat prevailing during the southern summer provided the ideal conditions for rain, mainly during afternoon, which caused several urban disruptions in the cities.
Seven cold fronts reached Brazil, passing fastly and weakly over the Southern Region. Only one South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) episode occurred over Southeastern Region, early in the month, causing isolated rainfall. There was inhibition of rainfall over large portions of Central Brazil caused by upper level cyclone vortex and by the displacement of the South Atlantic Subtropical High towards South American continental areas.
Over the Equatorial Pacific, SST remained cold, with values under the long term average. The trade winds were stronger than the climatology west of 150ºW, and the monthly SOI was positive. These characteristics indicate the remaining of a La Niña episode.
Considering all areas of Brasil, the number of hot spots decreased around 60% in comparision to the previous year. However, in Roraima, vegetation fire areas were greater than in 1999 and 2000. The occupation of native forest with the increase of agriculture activities in the region, was one of the reasons for the increase of fires.